kids swimming in pool

Healthy Sheboygan County (HSC) is a community-based initiative seeking to make positive changes in the health status of Sheboygan County. Members and representation in HSC includes public health, local health care agencies, schools, businesses, and community representatives that work together to help the community live better, longer lives.

Sheboygan County Stats

117,752 People


79 Years

Life Expectancy

94 %

High School Completion


Check out the events happening now, right here in our community!

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Coalition Members

Mental Health America
Sheboygan Area School District
United Way of Sheboygan County
Advocate Aurora Health Care
DPH Logo
Sheboygan County
Food Bank
Sheboygan County Aging & Disability Resource Center
Fresh Meals on Wheels
HSHS St. Nicholas
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Check out our archive of HSC articles that were featured in the Sheboygan Press between 2014 and 2018.

Climate Change is Harming Human Health

In communities across the Midwest, climate change is harming our health now. The latest report fr...

Healthful Bites Can Be on Any Budget

Having a budget can add a challenge to grocery shopping. If you track how much your household spe...

Health Literacy Tips

How often do you scroll through a website or social media and click on a post written about healt...