Healthy Sheboygan County has established the following action teams to address the top health needs identified in our community:
Activity and Nutrition (SCAN)
Increase physical activity and healthy eating in Sheboygan County.
Positive Mental Health
Improve utilization of positive mental health practices in Sheboygan County
Responsible Substance Use
To encourage responsible substance use through prevention of the misuse of all substances such as alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.
Access to Safe and Affordable Housing
Improve access to safe, stable, and affordable housing in Sheboygan County.
Access to Affordable High-Quality Child Care
Improve access to affordable high-quality child care for ALL in Sheboygan County.
Access & Navigation
Improve access and system navigation within Sheboygan County.
HSC Leadership Council
Provide leadership and direction to all members of the Healthy Sheboygan County Coalition.