child care

Access and Navigation

While activity and nutrition, positive mental health, responsible substance use, safe and affordable housing, and affordable high-quality child care are vital to improving the health of Sheboygan County residents, it is also important to identify cross-cutting themes that connect all five priority areas through social drivers of health.

Health Equity & Resilient Communities
Removing barriers for community members and embracing diversity so everyone can access the community resources they need to be healthy, and providing community members the tools to cope with challenges.

Collective Impact & Policy Alignment
Working across different sectors to discuss and set common goals to solve complex issues within the community that includes aligning organizational policies and moving towards positive policy changes.

Access and Navigation
Ensuring all community members can access and navigate local resources. Access and navigation resources helps build resiliency through increasing community social connections and collaboration.⁽¹⁾

The Healthy Sheboygan County leadership council has created an Access and Navigation team to address this cross-cutting need in a streamlined way throughout Sheboygan County.

UW-Green Bay Community Access and Navigation Training Certificate

This program is designed to educate Health and Human Services professionals, agencies, and other engaged individuals in Sheboygan County on how to build a bridge to help, connecting community members to vital county resources that ensure they thrive.

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Join Us

We have a number of initiatives in the works, and would love to have you get involved in any way you would like!

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Priority Workplan

Our goal is to improve access and system navigation within Sheboygan County.

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