housing landing

Access to Safe and Affordable Housing

Having adequate, stable, affordable, and safe housing is foundational to health. Unaffordable housing forces trade-offs between essential expenses, like food, heating, and transportation. Studies show that households that cannot access affordable housing are less likely to seek regular medical care, more likely to postpone necessary medical treatments, and more likely to use the emergency department for treatment. People should not have to choose between one basic necessity (housing) and another (healthcare or food).

A lack of access to affordable housing also limits the choices people have about where they live. Those experiencing a housing crisis or housing instability are often forced to live in substandard housing units in neighborhoods with increased rates of poverty and fewer resources for health promotion. This means that these households live in unsafe housing conditions where they may be exposed to environmental hazards like mold, while also lacking access to health-promoting outdoor spaces like parks.

In collaboration with the Sheboygan County Housing Coalition, Healthy Sheboygan County will support efforts to improve access to safe and stable housing within the community and to increase resources for those who are experiencing homelessness.

Why is housing a priority for HSC?

Access to housing was identified as a priority health need in Sheboygan County. Key Informants consistently mentioned lack of housing as a barrier for community members experiencing health issues and access to housing as necessary for positive mental health, prevention of adverse childhood experiences, and a host of other health concerns. 

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We are a cross-sector partnership working to alleviate housing insecurity in Sheboygan County.

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Priority Workplan

Our goal is to improve access to safe, stable, and affordable housing in Sheboygan County.

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