pmh 1

Priority Workplan

Our Goal: Improve access to safe, stable, and affordable housing in Sheboygan County.

OBJECTIVE 1: Increase community awareness of homelessness and renting barriers

  • Develop and execute an outreach plan for key stakeholders to educate them about homelessness and renting barriers
  • Identify local lived experience experts and create opportunities for them to share their stories

OBJECTIVE 2: Enhance housing (buying and renting) navigation resources

  • Create a toolkit specific to housing resources to provide education on advocacy
  • Work with Access and Navigation Action Team to refine and distribute housing navigation resources
  • Increase the number of agencies that participate with Coordinated Entry

 OBJECTIVE 3: Promote housing regulations that support renters’ rights

  • Advocate for local eviction laws and policy change
  • Launch the Renters’ Association
  • Facilitate ongoing conversations between Renters’ and Landlords’ Associations

OBJECTIVE 4: Enhance resources for persons experiencing homelessness

  • Adopt common/shared vocabulary and definitions
  • Advocate for creation of holistic case management and wrap around services
  • Develop out-of-the-box training and education to support businesses/organizations on how they can interact with and serve those experiencing homelessness with dignity, empathy, and compassion