pilars responsible substance

Responsible Substance Use


Substance use means the use of any substance, such as tobacco, alcohol, illicit drugs, and prescription drugs, resulting in negative outcomes that can include operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated, drinking during pregnancy, binge drinking, underage drinking, tobacco and illicit drug use.

Why is Substance Use a Priority for HSC?

It is important to recognize that alcohol and other drugs have a large scale impact on our communities. We serve those with substance use disorders by getting resources into the community from Narcan to education around available services. We also work on preventing future substance use and substance use disorders through community wide initiatives that support social connection, resiliency and equity.  

Historically, Wisconsin has had a difficult time countering the alcohol culture and has been accepting of many of these negative outcomes caused by excessive alcohol use. Excessive alcohol use causes many issues that communities need to address, like traffic accidents and fatalities, drug and alcohol hospitalizations, disorderly conduct and domestic disturbances. Other drugs such as cocaine, methamphetamines and opiates, have also driven a need to address substance use within our community, especially with the rise in substances containing fentanyl.

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We have a number of initiatives in the works, and would love to have you get involved in any way you would like!

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Priority Workplan

Our goal is to create an Environment that Promotes a Responsible Substance Use Culture in Sheboygan County.

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