Archive: Oct 1, 2015, 12:00 AM
Support needed for family of those with mental illness
Mental Health America in Sheboygan County is a nonprofit mental health resource center that works to provide services in prevention/education, access to care and recovery support services for mental health. While educating youth and adults on what mental illness is and encouraging individuals with mental health concerns or diagnoses to seek appropriate treatment is something we focus on as an organization, we also recognize that families and friends of persons with a mental illness often face a unique set of challenges. Being the adult sibling, child of, spouse of, or close friend to someone with a mental illness often affects the individual in fundamental ways. It can be scary to watch your loved one experience emotional turmoil and behave strangely and/ or unpredictably. Feelings of helplessness for how to help your loved one get help or how to support their ongoing journey in recovery commonly increases stress in one’s own life.