Archive: Jun 30, 2016, 12:00 AM
Smoke Free Air Law celebrates milestone
On July 5 we will celebrate Wisconsin’s six-year anniversary since the statewide smoking ban went into effect. This public policy initiative has had such a positive effect on people’s health. Air quality in restaurants and bars has shown an extraordinary improvement after this law began. Healthy People 2020 provides a set of national goals for improving the health of all Americans, locally collaborated with the HSC 2020 Substance Abuse/Mental Health Committee to motivate actions at the local level within the community. Tobacco use is a healthrisk behavior that is a leading cause of death and disease among Wisconsin youth and adults. One of our goals is to provide information and education on current trends including the health risks of smokeless or other tobacco products. Tobacco use is still the single most preventable cause of disease, disability and death in the U.S.