Tag: Wellness
Recharge during the summer
In today’s world we are constantly making sure all of our tech devices are charged and ready to go on demand. But what about ourselves and family members?
Proper child safety seat use vital
As parents and caregivers we always want the best for our children — the best food, schools, neighborhoods and for them to be safe.
Let’s work together to eliminate TB
Each year we recognize World TB Day on March 24 to celebrate the discovery of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis by Dr. Robert Koch in 1882. World TB Day is our chance to talk about Tuberculosis- related concerns and share ideas to support worldwide TB control. TB is a disease spread through the air from one person to another. While a lot of work has been done to control and cure TB within the US, people still get sick and die from it every year. In fact, according to the World Health Organization, TB is the top infectious disease killer worldwide. This year the Centers for Disease Control selected the theme “Find TB. Treat TB. Working together to eliminate TB.” This highlights that it takes an entire community of people working together to end the spread of TB disease. It also reveals the sad fact that TB is still a lifethreatening problem and current efforts to find and treat TB disease are not enough. A united effort is needed to identify new strategies to improve testing and treatment options.
Employers recognize wellness benefits
Sheboygan County employers credit health and wellness initiatives at the work site for providing organizational and community rewards.
Use your head and wear a helmet
There are six inches of irreplaceable matter between your ears that can be preserved by wearing a safety helmet that matter is your brain.
February is American Heart Month
In the U.S., one in every four deaths is caused by heart disease.
Mentors makes a difference for children
Every January, the president of the United States recognizes January as National Mentoring month. Additionally, “Thank Your Mentor Day” takes place on the third Thursday of the month. In 2016, that will be Jan. 21. You might be asking yourself, what does that have to do with me? Think back. Was there a teacher, a coach, an aunt or an uncle that paid close attention? They were one of your mentors. The word mentor comes from the Greek and means adviser, master, guide or preceptor. One of the things we need to consider when looking at mentors within our community is the link between poverty and the availability of positive mentor relationships.
Care for the caregiver
Caregivers are those who care for others because they either can’t care for themselves or need assistance to carry out everyday tasks.
Markets connect users with the land
Every Wednesday and Saturday until October you can take a stroll through Fountain Park and smell fresh cilantro, strawberries, peppers and many other delicious fruits and vegetables that speckle the park.