Mental Health Roadmaps
The HSC Positive Mental Health Pillar have created Mental Health Roadmaps to assist community members and professionals to navigate metal health services in Sheboygan County.
Mental Health Services Roadmap
Crisis Response Services Roadmap
Teen Mental Health Services Roadmap
AODA Recovery Roadmap
School Professionals Mental Health Roadmap
Procedure for a Third Party Petition
Local Resources:
MHA Lakeshore Facts Not Stigma (Spanish) (Hmong)
Mental Health America Lakeshore - referral and Education 920-458-3951
24 HR Sheboygan County Crisis Response Team: 920-459-3151
Samaritans Hand - outpatient drug and alcohol clinic; 920-254-6922
Salvation Army Mental & Behavioral Health Services
Consumer Credit Counseling Services and Salvation Army Budget and Credit Counseling