County resources directory is valuable
Every two years Mental Health America in Sheboygan County updates the Directory of Community Resources.
Smoke Free Air Law celebrates milestone
On July 5 we will celebrate Wisconsin’s six-year anniversary since the statewide smoking ban went into effect. This public policy initiative has had such a positive effect on people’s health. Air quality in restaurants and bars has shown an extraordinary improvement after this law began. Healthy People 2020 provides a set of national goals for improving the health of all Americans, locally collaborated with the HSC 2020 Substance Abuse/Mental Health Committee to motivate actions at the local level within the community. Tobacco use is a healthrisk behavior that is a leading cause of death and disease among Wisconsin youth and adults. One of our goals is to provide information and education on current trends including the health risks of smokeless or other tobacco products. Tobacco use is still the single most preventable cause of disease, disability and death in the U.S.
Addiction harmful to too many families
Earlier this month we were invited to join Midwest Communication’s live program “Heroin in Wisconsin: Save our Families,” along with other law enforcement, health care, support and recovery groups, first responders, elected officials, family members and addicts from across northeast Wisconsin.
Misuse of prescription painkillers a problem here
The prevention program Dose of Reality has been launched in Sheboygan County and Wisconsin.
Stay informed on consequences of tobacco
The Centers for Disease Control and Preventions estimates that 16.8 percent of Americans 18 and older currently smoke cigarettes. This equates to roughly 40 million Americans — the entire population of California. Cigarette smoking has long been known to cause the onset of many preventable diseases and continues to take more than 480,000 American lives each year. With the dangers of smoking widely known, what leads individuals to pick up the habit of smoking and what can we do to not become victims of smoking? Any marketing major will tell you that knowing your target audience for selling a product plays an important role in successfully selling that product. Big tobacco companies know this and employ their advertising tactics on youth in hopes of creating lifetime customers.
Local stigma reduction efforts underway
A local community and cross-agency effort that developed the Community Health Improvement Plan 2015-2017 identified that the stigma of mental illness is an issue requiring attention in Sheboygan County. A stigma-specific subcommittee was developed to help reduce the stigma of mental illness and substance abuse in our community. So what is stigma and how are we going to address it? Stigma can be understood as a set of negative or often untrue ideas that lead to beliefs that form an attitude. That attitude can include acts of discrimination. When one Googles the definition, synonyms that pop up include shame, disgrace and dishonor.
Tobacco-related disparities persist
Despite Wisconsin’s smoke-free law, more than half of the state’s multi-unit housing residents report living in a building where smoking is still allowed. Smoking remains the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. In Wisconsin, an estimated 7,215 people die annually from illnesses directly related to smoking. Secondhand smoke is estimated to cause about 840 deaths each year in Wisconsin. In Sheboygan County, approximately 145 die annually of illnesses related to smoking.
Explore 5 smart moves to quit smoking
If you’re a smoker, quitting is the single most important step you can take to protect your health and the health of your loved ones.
Medicine Abuse Month
I know, I know, not another month to celebrate or become aware of a medical issue. But this one is different. Why? Because I would guess everyone has medicine in their homes.
Take Back Medication Day is Saturday
Attorney General Brad Schimel recently launched a campaign to educate and bring awareness to the prescription pill abuse problem. “Dose of Reality” (doseofrealitywi.gov) is a comprehensive look at what each person can do to help stop medication abuse and why we should do it.